Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25, 2015, world leaders adopted a set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each objective has specific goals that must be achieved in the next 15 years.

To achieve these goals, everyone has to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.

For this reason, Italpreziosi has decided to apply them all internally and externally. The Sustainability Report is very important to show how each of the 17 objectives are applied internally and externally to the company, and each year it improves.

Human rights, the abolition of child and forced labor, the pursuit of gender equality and respect for the women’s workforce, respect for the environment and biodiversity are all fundamental values ​​for Italpreziosi and each of our suppliers have than respect and apply them.

To get to know each of the 17 goals, you can click on the link below to learn more:

Visit the website

Tools for reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals

Essential tools for integrating the SDGs into your reporting include

A handbook of indicators to make reporting on the SDGs straightforward and simple to execute.

Download the most recent version in English. It reflects the latest GRI Universal, Topic and Sector Standards, and the 2022 edition of the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress questionnaire. It also incorporates metrics from 26 disclosure sources, including those of CDP, SASB, UN Guiding Principles, World Benchmarking Alliance, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and the World Economic Forum. 

Translations of the 2017 versions are available in PortugueseJapaneseSimplified ChineseSpanish and Bahasa.

A three-step guide to embed the SDGs in existing business and reporting processes.  Translations are available in PortugueseTraditional ChineseJapaneseSpanishBahasaTurkish and Thai.

A linkage document that shows the disclosures within the GRI Standards that can be used to report on specific SDGs and their targets. The latest version was updated in May 2022 and includes the revised GRI Universal Standards 2021 as well as GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021.

A guide to addressing investor needs within your reporting. Translations are available in PortugueseJapaneseSpanish and Bahasa.

It is possible to integrate SDG on your business and also on your sustainability reporting. Here below we report suggestions and guide provided by GRI: