The OECD Due Diligence Guideline

for Supply Chain in High Risk Areas

The Due Diligence Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is recognized as the main tool for responsible and transparent management of mineral supply chains, promoting sustainable business commitment within the mining sector.

Here you can find the steps to follow to fully comply with international regulations. Some of the material has been taken from the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI), some from the OECD material.

Responsible sourcing: introductory training module to the OECD Guide
5 steps for applying Due Diligence
Create Risk Management and proper KYC: low risk counterparts
Create Risk Management and proper KYC: high risk counterparts, enhanced due diligence
Identifying High Risk Areas
The case of cobalt
This training talks about cobalt but can be applied to all the minerals
Easy to use Guide by OECD
a 16 page book with the resume of the 5 steps, explained in the easiest way.
The process seems complicated and long, but it is not. If you need help understanding the various steps, please feel free to contact the Italpreziosi Compliance Office. Collaboration is essential for us to achieve a more sustainable and equal supply chain for all.