Focus: Gender Equality

Our commitment to gender equality is constant.
Be the change!

Gender Equality

Our CEO, Ivana Ciabatti, has always been at the forefront in supporting initiatives that enhance women’s rights, their potential, their genius and above all initiatives against violence (Women for Women). Our CEO is also a member of:

Our CEO is also member of:

We support the He for She initiative, a UN Women project that invites men to join to support gender equality. We campaigned internally to invite our employees to join.

We constantly work in internal campaign to increase awareness of the existence of a dramatic phenomenon, namely domestic violence. In a period of great difficulty due to Covid19, with imposition of the lockdown, many people may have found themselves trapped in their homes. We therefore urged everyone to be sensitive to the issue and to support people who could be subject to it, also giving information on the services that work to support them 24 hours a day.

Italpreziosi has always been at the forefront in fighting violence against women.

Every year, we support the Camomilla Women for Women Against Violence Award initiative, by which courageous women are rewarded for their courage in fighting this violence, sharing their own experiences and inspiring other women.

Here the initiatives and memberships

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) – United Nations

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) – United Nations

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) – United Nations

2022 highlights

our CEO has been awarded within the 100 global inspirational women in mining

we organised and event about Women Driving Sustainability in Mining, during Vicenza Oro Trade Show. If you missed it, please click below:

Start your journey to gender equality:


Women empowerment principles (WEP)

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) are a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact and UN Women, developed in 2010 to establish a holistic approach oriented towards the empowerment of women and girls in the workplace, marketplace, and community. There are a total of seven principles, based on real business practices aimed at elaborating the gender dimension of corporate sustainability, the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, and broader UN goals and values, such as the SDGs.

The Seven Principles:

  1. High-level business leadership
  2. Treat all women and men equally at work without discrimination
  3. Employee health, well-being, and safety
  4. Education and training for career advancement
  5. Business development, supply chain, and marketing practices
  6. Community initiatives and support
  7. Measurement and reporting

For a company to formally adhere to the seven principles, a declaration of support from the CEO for the WEPs must be made. This can be done here: Join WEPs.

According to recent studies, gender equality is highly influential on business performance and sustainable economic growth globally. It has been estimated that harnessing the full potential of women could add more than $12 trillion to global GDP, with significant positive impacts on business productivity and profits, as well as supporting families and communities around the world.

To evaluate company performance related to gender equality in the workplace, market, and community, the Women’s Empowerment Principles Gender Gap Analysis Tool (WEP Tool) was created. WEPs Gender Gap Analysis tool

Furthermore, the signatories of the WEPs will have at their disposal the WEPs Gender-Responsive Procurement (GRP) Assessment Tool to self-assess their company’s progress on GRP policies and practices. At the end of the assessment, you will receive a scorecard that allows you to identify gaps and consider next steps to improve GRP in your business and supply chain.

Implementing GRP will bring various benefits to your organization, including improved brand reputation, increased supply chain innovation, resilience, and productivity, as well as a positive impact on the communities in which you operate. It also demonstrates compliance with reporting commitments.

Another useful tool is the checklist for gender-sensitive recruitment: Checklist for Gender-Responsive Recruitment. This checklist includes guidance on vacancy announcements, shortlisting, and interview/recruitment committees and is only available to WEPs signatories.

To learn more:

Women’s Empowerment Principles


Women's rights and mining

Sign the Stakeholder Statement on Implementing Gender-Responsive Due Diligence and ensuring the human rights of women in Mineral Supply Chains and make the difference!

In 2020, Italpreziosi signed the “OECD Stakeholder Statement on Implementing Gender-Responsive Due Diligence and ensuring the human rights of women in Mineral Supply Chains” through Women’s Rights and Mining (WRM).

The goal is to create more awareness on gender equality through:

  • Requests for information regarding women (number and role) within the companies with which we work, both upstream and downstream;
  • Participation of working groups and projects developed in the supply chain which also provide for the support of miners from small communities, in partnership with public and private sector actors;
  • Raising awareness of the issue through training and information campaigns and initiatives in the supply chain.


Since 2021, we have begun to progressively collect data on women’s role in our supply chain. We have been able to collect data from 30% of our counterparties to date.

ITALY: 22,70% of the counterparties analyzed: 52.78% of women in the supply chain

ABROAD: 45% of the counterparties analyzed: 25.62% of women in the supply chain

Overall, women represent 29.89% of human resources in our supply chain.

In 2020, we were invited to talk about our commitment to gender equality at the event organized by UN Women and the Ministry of Energy of Chile. We are always happy to describe our commitment to inspire and encourage other realities to follow the same path. Transparency and collaboration are key points.

To find out more, review the event registration/recording here.


He for she

It is important for us that this movement is not only intense and supported by women but also by men. If you are a man, and you are convinced that supporting this goal is fundamental, sign this United Nations initiative, “He for She” and if you want, send us a photo as below. Many actors and VIPs have already signed up, what are you waiting for?



Maternity as a master


Gender equality toolkit by RJC

Every change starts within yourself. To start your journey towards gender equality, you should start from your own business.

Here some practical guidance powered by RJC, for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).

A series of steps are included in order to include gender equality policies across your operations:

Culture of inclusion
Supply chain initiatives
Gender equality policy

Find out which steps you may need to take to reach gender equality or improve what you are already doing, your commitment is fundamental to continue the path towards a more sustainable development!